My Qualifications

Current PhD student - the University of Wollongong
Researching nutrition & mental health, with a focus on weight-neutral interventions

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
Graduated with Distinction

Bachelor of Science (Nutrition & Food Science)
Graduated with Distinction

Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) - Dietitians Australia

Associate Nutritionist (ANutr.) - The Nutrition Society of Australia

Previous qualifications:

Bachelor of Arts (DANCE) Bachelor of Education (Dance and Theatre & Performance Studies)

A bit about me


I’m a qualified Dietitian (APD), Nutritionist (ANutr.), and former Secondary School Teacher and Dancer.

I practice as a non-diet, HAES aligned Dietitian & Nutritionist, which means I practice through a weight-neutral lens (because you and your health are more than a number on the scale) and I value the importance of having a healthy relationship with food.

I am also an advocate for mental health. 

In my career as a dancer in the entertainment industry, I was exposed to and surrounded by a great deal of disordered eating and many FAD diets. 

One memory, in particular, has stuck with me and became the foundation for me developing a negative relationship with food many years ago. Let me tell you about it.

At one cheerleading rehearsal – I was called into an office, 1 on 1, and told I needed to lose weight.  Just like that. This comment was followed by some BS “nutrition advice” that stuck with me for a long time.

These experiences shape us and if you can relate, please know YOU were never the problem.

A “healthy diet” is one where food is not a source of stress. Where there are zero rules, guilt or shame and where you simply feel “normal” around food. 

If you follow me in Instagram you probably already know how I feel about pseudoscientific nutrition messages that circulate online. 

This bothered me SO much I decided to make it the focus of my Masters Research project – I can’t wait to share my results! (keep an eye out).

Speaking of research, I am currently completing my PhD at the University of Wollongong, researching nutrition and mental health with a focus on weight-neutral interventions.  I also work as a Research Assistant in the world of Academia, and have a number of co-authored, published scientific papers.


Check out one of them here – that was written for the Journal Frontiers for Young Minds, a journal for kids! but you may also enjoy the read about Nutrition & Mental health.

So where can you find me now?

You’ll find me on Instagram and Facebook fighting nutrition BS, on twitter sharing research papers that have resonated with me, and in the future - in academia, writing about behaviour change, nutrition and mental health. 

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Food Philosophy? 

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A generous portion of nutrition knowledge, tasty recipe ideas and some hilarious myth-busting

Find your balance, without a side of weight-stigma, diet culture or nutrition BS

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