What is food freedom?
Food freedom is eating half a banana, a whole banana, two banana’s or a banana with peanut butter. It’s eating banana bread, a banana smoothie, banana milkshake or banana muffins.
It’s having the freedom to make the choice that feels best for you at that time – not because it’s written down in a plan or because you feel it’s what you “should” be doing.
Writing this reminded me of the time I was travelling India. There was a distinct moment I remember sitting in a cab feeling SOOO hungry. All I had with me at the time was a banana I had taken from breakfast.
BUT I had a food rule stuck in my mind that I could only have half the banana because the whole one had “too many carbs” (it doesn’t, and I was really hungry).
How ridiculous is this? That this food rule dictated how much I ate in this moment. A moment when I was extremely hungry. A moment where my hunger was affecting my mood, concentration and enjoying this moment in India.
Can you think of a time when a food rule has influenced your food choices? Maybe you've had a similar experience as the one I shared above? Maybe it's daily?
Take a minute and reflect on that moment..
And then compare it to a time that you needed to pee. Would you have ever had the thought “but I need to stop halfway through”
I am going to take a guess that the answer is probably no.
So why is it different with food? Because diet culture has attached a moral value to food, that’s why.
Food freedom is choosing to eat half a banana, a whole banana or two bananas. It’s having the freedom to make a food choice that is best for you at that time.
Without guilt. Without shame.
I hope you found this article helpful - You may also enjoy my blog about weight fluctuations, and this one about juice detoxes.
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written for you by
A university qualified Dietitian, Nutritionist (MNutDiet, BSc ANutr.), PhD student and former teacher from Sydney, Australia.
A generous portion of nutrition knowledge, tasty recipe ideas and some hilarious myth-busting